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Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf Uptu Notes Mca

Notes for the subject Analysis and Design of Algorithms (Subject Code: 13MCA41) for 4th Semester MCA students of VTU can be downloaded here. Some of the chapters are common for the students of 4th Sem BE (CSE and ISE branches – 10CS43) as well.(Unit 1 for MCA and the first half of Unit 1 for CSE and ISE)(Unit 2 for MCA and the second half of Unit 1 for CSE and ISE)(Unit 3 for MCA)(Unit 2 for CSE and ISE)(Unit 4 for MCA and first half of Unit 5 for CSE and ISE)(Unit 5 for MCA and second half of Unit5 for CSE and ISE)(Unit 6 for MCA and some portions of Unit 4 for CSE and ISE)(Unit 7 for MCA and some portions of Unit 3 for CSE and ISE)To see video lecture for DFS and BFS, click following links:BFS: http://www.chetanahegde.in/?p=253.

Hi Chethan,Thanks for appreciation!! Pls let me know in which college u r studying. From 2010 scheme to 2013 scheme there is a lot of change in syllabus. Moreover, after sending final copy of the syllabus in 2013, VTU again modified it and sent in 2014.Changes are: Addition of Huffman coding in Greedy Technique and removal of knapsack in the same chapter. Also, addition of branch and bound, backtracking etc in the last unit.I have uploaded notes according to these changes. Hope I have answered your query.All the best.

Hi Ajay,Very hard to answer your question!! I have seen two extreme types of ADA papers in past 12-15 years.To study this subject for exam purpose, I suggest two ways:1.

Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf Uptu Notes Mca Download

If you are good at maths, you can do full syllabus easily.2. If you are not confident about your maths skills, then concentrate on chapters like Decrease and Conquer, Greedy Technique and Dynamic Programming.

Because, in these chapters, there are no mathematical analysis of time complexity. Whereas, initial chapters till Divide and Conquer are full of math analysis.Altogether, 25% theory and 75% problems, I can say.All the best!! The one which I explained in my notes is optimal solution. Any other solution – that is, from a source node to any path to reach destination node – is a feasible solution.

Normally, there will be multiple feasible solutions. That is, you can reach from source to destination in different ways. But, the shortest path will be optimal solution. Dijkstra’s algorithm is one way to find optimal solution for finding shortest path from one source to all other nodes in a graph (Single-source-shortest-path algorithm).Hope this explanation will help you.

Analysis and design of algorithms vtu notes pdf

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